- FOAM was a lot more than what we were used to in London.
- TEMPERATURE was disappointing, either the tap temperature was not set properly, or Malaysian weather was THAT hot that by the time the beer gets to you, it becomes WARM.....or maybe UK is cold (but insides of pubs are not cold right??) and the beer just stays cold.
- TASTE was the most disappointing part of the experience!!! Just not the same!! Not as fruity as it is in London!! Not fair!! Why must water down draught beer!!!
- PRICE was just EX!!! RM28 for a pint?? eventough it's converted to about £4.60 which is just a tad more expensive than London, but psychologically, it's damn expensive to pay about RM60 for 2 pints as compared to paying £7.60....get it.....60.00 vs. 7.60!!
And half pint is not half the price of one pint!!

Think i will just try out bottled Hoegarden from Cold Storage la, or just start getting used to drinking Tiger again......
Times like this do i wish that we were still in London.....just for the beer!!!
hahaha like beer connoisseur only.
if you like fruity, try Kronebourg Blanc.
yup! liked that too!! can't get in KL tough....when you come back from UK, tapau a 6-pack boleh tak??
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