We're in Sussex now, more specifically
Uckfield (these British towns sometimes have really weird names...
uck???!!) staying over with my aunt. Man, didn't realise that i would prefer the
english countryside or country living as compared to city life in London.
With quaint little cottages and rolling hills and small roads lines with gorgeous green trees and foliage and the occasional sheep and horses and cows we see in people's farms. So nice. What a refreshing change from the double
decker buses, fast moving people and the dirt in London.
First she took us to this high class apartments in the marina. Really nice, can park your boats downstairs. Or just take your boat out for a nice short sail to France.

Then she brought us to
Eastbourne, damn nice place i tell you. She took us to have really good Fish & Chips in
Harry Ramsden's. It was really good, and the best part was that the chips, which were real potatoes instead of those frozen fries were bottomless, can ask for more. Heaven!!!

cod & haddock, only in UK can you have cod fish for your fish & chips...better whack more before getting back home where eating cod will be a luxury
with beerrr.....
aips with the Eastbourne pier in the background
us on the pebble beach, interesting, pebbles instead of sand on the beach
photo op location
since got no pre wedding couple to shoot, we re-enact la
another photo op location
feet and pebbles
underneath the pier with beautiful golden light
camera obscura on the top of the building on the pier
photo op location??
the pebble beachI am quite shocked that i enjoy the country life more than the hustle & bustle of the city.....wish we had explored the British country side more instead of just hanging around in London.....oh well, there's always next time....we hope.
Tomorrow, home cooked English roast and another pier, Brighton pier.....
country side aint actually that bad. very refreshin from time to time. :p
yaaaa so niceeeeeeeee!!
real nice captures there!!!!
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