OK!! This is really outdated, Paris seems so far ago....i think i already posted the first day, so it's time to 'review' what happened in the 2nd day. In case next time i lose my memory or something, at least i'd be able to read this and remember how fun & tiring it was being el cheapo tourists in Paris.
Tip for the el cheapo tourists, ususally Parisian hotels provide breakfast, so have as much as you can, the food is usually good, crossoints and proscuitto, cereals and such....fill up until cannot fill up the stomach anymore and then tapau somore for lunch & maybe dinner!!! A usefull tip i just learnt, before you depart to where ever you're going, get those plastic bags from the airport....you know, the ones where you're supposed to put your liquids in....those are good doggy bags to tapau food from the breakfast buffet!!

We managed to find notre dame catherdral, sooooo many tourist, and so many gypsys too. If you see a middle eastern looking woman wearing a scarf on her head and asks whether you speaking the english, just walk away.....

the interior of the catherdral, the stained glass windows.....so pretty....

such a huge catherdral, the ceilings so high!! i wonder how to bounce flash if you shoot a wedding here....hehee

after we got bored of the inside of the catherdral, it was time to go up the towers, the very same towers where the hunchback, quasimodo, rung the bells

the many gargoyles/water sprouts on the outside of the cathedral

"what was i thinking when i signed up for this job??"
spot the non-gargoyle trying to be a gargoyle
more gargoyles
this gragoyle look like a kambing with his beard, see eiffell tower in the background
the doorway to the bell room was so small!! how did quasimodo get it???
one of the many bells in the tower, there's like a few bells, each one makes a different tone
the old wooden stairs
the Paris landscape from the top of Notre Dame
the crazy small spiral staircase. and this is at least 7 stories up, more steps than Batu Caves too. and the thing is, you can't really stop halfway up to catch your breath coz there's like a lot of people right behind you, so you've got to suck it up and just soldier on!!
going down not too bad, we took our time. can stop to pose pose summore
the front facede of Notre Dame, amazing how the did all the details on the carvings
yeap, it's THAT tall!!
mulled wine in cold weather keeps you warm....and that's a cool sculpture, when viewd from the side, it's a woman....
Notre Dame, in all it's glory!! Can't beleive it's been around for so long!!!

on to the next Paris destination......off to Part 2!! Tomorrow!!
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