The weather on the 3rd day of the trip was not too good. It was raining, but unlike London where we just sleep in if it rains, we have to go out to explore Paris.
all wet out there
our normal breakfast of nice soft fluffy croissant and cold cuts and sausages....yummy
the interesting spiral staircase of our hotel
at the famous inverted pyramid at the Louvre's underground shopping centre
got no 'holy grail' also??!!
one of the more interesting statues at the Louvre. I just found out that the Louvre is the biggest museum in the world and the Vaticanmuseum is the 2nd largest
the Greek statue waits as the world passes by
davinci's painting, if i am not mistaken, this is where the curator in DaVinci's Code (the movie/book) died in front of
that's her alright, the monalisa, so small.....always thought it'd be bigger
the monalisa, some says that the one hanging there is not the original, the original is kept elsewhere
the main reason EVERYONE comes to the Lourve for
figuring out where to go next
chinese guy lepaks while the world goes by
we were here!!
old man 'zerox-ing' a painting
the famous tiles of the grand gallery
the crazier crowd when we made our way back to the monalisa after getting lost
a huge ass famous french painting, famous coz i saw a jigsaw puzzle of it
chicko poses while the world passes by
the other famous artwork that people go to the Louvre for
i was actually looking for that area right on top of the inverted pyramids just like what Langdon did but the top of the pyramid was actually a roundabout and you can't go on top of it. DANG!!
waaa... envy envy envy. Sooo nice!
Steve, did you take a knee in front of the inverted pyramids?
i was actually looking for that area right on top of the inverted pyramids just like what Langdon did but the top of the pyramid was actually a roundabout and you can't go on top of it. DANG!!
damn nice Steve!! I love the one with Aiping standing and ppl walking by! Cun!
is justfern = Mei Fern?
justfern = justin & mei fern :)
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