Friday, October 3, 2008


was rummaging through my old dvd collection and found some good shows.

watched 'American History X' and 'Rent' again....and boy, was it good!! i forgot how good these 2 movies were!!

Edward Norton never looked so 'brutal' before. Makes his Bruce Banner is this year's Hulk look so wimpy!! But it was a good movie, about how he rose up in the ranks to be the head of the white supremacist skinheads and why he wanted to get out of it in the end. You should particularly look out for the scene where he asks the black guy who was trying to hijack his car to put his mouth on the side of the pavement and then it yourself.

Rent was a musical that was out ages ago. I was introduced to it by some buddies who were in New York at that time. Bought the CD and loved it. I even managed to watch the musical on Broadway when i was in New York in 2000. LOOOOVVEEDD every minute of it. Then they decided to make the movie and it was surprisingly just as good!!

It's a story about this group of New Yorkers living life broke, trying to cope with AIDS and about relationships.... i'm sure they won't be a dry eye in the house after watching this movie.

Going to find some more good movies to watch!!

1 comment:

Allen HP Tan said...



RENT - My ALL TIME FAVOURITE MUSICAL!!! I didn't watch the DVD cos I thought it would be shit! Will go get it now! ;-)