Let me tell you a story.....
Late one night, A & Z was walking down a narrow road lined with parked cars just outside a popular entertainment place.
Then, C in a car, abruptly came out of a parking spot/waiting area and scraped D's car AND also narrowly missed knocking down A!!
how it happenedSo, C stopped after hearing the scrapping sounds, came down to inspect the damage....but Z, blood already boiling coz A (A is Z's REEEEEEAAAAAALLLLLLYYYYY good friend) was nearly knocked down, walked right up to C's window to scold her.
Z, being really pissed off, started shouting at C, saying that C's crazy and C shouldn't drive when under the influence coz C nearly knocked A down. Then C got angry coz Z was cursing & shouting, so C also started shouting and cursing and this went on ...... and on ... and more vulgarities were exchanged and more hand gestures were exchanged. So another of A & Z's friend had to pull Z back, if not, it would have been just like a scene out of an X-Men movie, when Wolverine fought Sabretooth, then the police would have had to come to haul Z & C's asses to jail for ..... disturbance of the peace.
While walking away, Z was still giving hand gestures and C was still shouting.... (C must have really been under the influence coz C was still like that even tough C was obviously in the wrong!!)
All this while poor D, in the car that was scraped was dumbfounded coz instead of D being in the position of angerness coz D's car got scrapped, D had to watch Z & C fight it out.
What's most shocking, is that Z is capable of all that......Don't Mess With The 'Z'ohan!!!
NOTE: The above events are a recap of the real incident and is not fictional. Names have been replaced to protect the identities of the people involved.Hehehehehhahahdhahhahhhshshahhhwhhhehkekkekaakakkekakkkkakeksk