One weekend (quite a while back already), the weather was really good. So
Wyles asked us to go
ber-picnic at
Kensington Gardens. So instead of just chilling in our room, we decided to not waste the day and go ahead to
why waste a good sunny London day by staying home???!!So we tapau-ed Fried Chicken for the picnic. And Wyles brought DAMN CUN (Martin, cun as in chun, not cun as in c*&T!!!) porky (shit! forgot what it's called....the one you eat for starters at El Cerdo??!!!), cheese, bread, salad and Profiteroles!! Trust Wyles to give us the 'experience'!! The last time we met up on a weekend to have Breakfast/Brunch, the bill came up to £75 for the 3 of us....but the food was REEEEEEEAAAALLLLLLLLYYYY GOOD!! Too bad i didn't bring my camera that day.

Little did we know, that by the time we really started
ing, the weather went downhill and started to get cold.

So we decided to walk walk in the quest to find coffee.....
We were introduced to the richer parts of London....where the Toffs live....
so royal
with expensive cars
and posh looking houses
TV vans outside a hospital, i think they're covering a reality show, the star of the show, Jade Goody is suffering from cancer and is living her last days....and it's all on live TV....for all of UK to watch someone dying...

So we found a place to have coffee and it turns out to be a convenient!!
It would probably seem that we are here in London just to have beer and holiday.....we're not
ok, just that work hasn't found us yet....or we haven't looked hard enough for work....

So after an uncountable amount of pints.....and not realising that it's past dinner time already, we
balik lor... it was a nice London day...
We had greek salad, bean salad, proscuitto ham, brie cheese, baguette and profiteroles.... and fried chicken and chips. hahahah!! Had a fab time guys. :))
Enjoy the US and see you soon!!
where's the picnic rug??
Jade Goody just died yesterday on Mother's Day!
The Times
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