With no idea of where to go, we called Michelle to direct us to the nearest Primark. Primark is this place where you can get really cheap clothing and bedding stuff. So off we went. And since it was already lunch, we had a bite at Pret A Manger. They sells sandwiches and coffee....it was quite nice, but once you convert to M'sian currency, i was having a RM20 sandwich, so the moral of the story is, DON'T convert when you're overseas.....you'll never eat!!

So it was quite a fruitful day, found Primark, established contact with a friend of a relative, got our permenant Pay As You Go cards, had a taste of Chinatown (you can get maggi mee in London, even got Lingam's Chilli Sauce!! All buatan Malaysia, but a bit expensive la!), had our first pint and english pub food, and experienced our first cold and wet night waiting for the bus.
Can't wait to really see downtown London next!!
Can't wait to really see downtown London next!!
Great to see you two starting to live it up in London. Have fun conquering Europe!
should have brought out the big camera?! dude, u have till may...if not next year. :D pleeenttyy of time. take care man!! its not THAT cold right?!
YAY!!! U have arrived safely!! Have fun and take more more pictures!! already missing the both of you!! CNY's gonna be so quiet without the both of you
hey guys?. i was at that cafe too...cool. so hope you having fun. U have skype? or msn. so we can chat, actually also can chat on Mac, erm Ichat?, my AIM name vickikui. ok u know i always work late, so even at 3 - 4am singapore time, can maybe talk with u guys ard 7 - 8pm, okok cool
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