So along the way, a couple of things caught my eye.

I just love how they did the window display at Louis Vuitton, it's damm nice. i likes....

After that we made a detour to Far East Plaza to have some Beer Battered Fish & Chips. Very nice!! This place also makes Fried Mars Bars!! Damm nice too!! However, not wanting to get a heart attack that day, we decided to have the Fish & Chips only. I did try the Fried Mars Bars was DAMM SWEET.....and for me to say that, it realllllllllly is sweeeeeeet!!

We then walked over towards Paragon to meet up with the Evers-Swindell's for lunch. Along the way, we passed by the Orchard MRT. Actually, the whole of Orchard Road is being refurbished. New buildings are popping out soon, old buildings demolished, the main Orchard Road pedestarian walkway is being upgraded, so much has changed. But when i think about it, it's about time coz the place has been the same for toooo long already.

So we had lunch at Paragon (pictures in the next post perhaps??) and continued walking down Orchard Road heading towards Marina Square when we were supposed to meet up again for dinner at a Mushroom Steamboat place.
No more pictures coz my feet were hurting from all that walking and all i could think about was to get some slippers on my tired feet.
Pretty much uneventfull (maybe coz i was tired and not in the mood to take some pictures) right up till dinner.....
Dinner was an overdose of i probably had mentioned earlier, no pictures of food coz i'll always eat it first and then when i remember to take a picture of it, it's finished already.
Fast forward to Day 2 in Singapore, and we were back in the City Hall area again. Wanted to get some jeans from Peninsula and also had to meet with Vicki (my sister in law) for lunch.....a VEEEEEERY late lunch at Brewerks Clarke Quay.
So, the Singapore F1 is to be held around the Marina Square area. They already had all the flood lights and the seatings stands up already. It's going to be a historical event coz it's going to be the first city circuit in asia and it's going to be the very first night race ever. The pit stop is going to be at the Esplanade (durian looking building).
No more pictures coz my feet were hurting from all that walking and all i could think about was to get some slippers on my tired feet.
Pretty much uneventfull (maybe coz i was tired and not in the mood to take some pictures) right up till dinner.....
Dinner was an overdose of i probably had mentioned earlier, no pictures of food coz i'll always eat it first and then when i remember to take a picture of it, it's finished already.
Fast forward to Day 2 in Singapore, and we were back in the City Hall area again. Wanted to get some jeans from Peninsula and also had to meet with Vicki (my sister in law) for lunch.....a VEEEEEERY late lunch at Brewerks Clarke Quay.
So, the Singapore F1 is to be held around the Marina Square area. They already had all the flood lights and the seatings stands up already. It's going to be a historical event coz it's going to be the first city circuit in asia and it's going to be the very first night race ever. The pit stop is going to be at the Esplanade (durian looking building).

I don't know if it's true or not, i think we may have been spoiled by Australian beer. Ever since Melbourne, all the beers that we have (in Singapore and Malaysia), sucks!! The beer at Brewerks.....nothing great although Aips said it was damn good the last time she had it. And i used to love the draught beer at Chilli's, but now, it's like tasteless......die la.....must migrate to Australia already after we finish WHM-ing in UK!!
The food was ok only......maybe it's because i was already full coz we had to wait for someone who finally appeared at 3pm for lunch!!
The food was ok only......maybe it's because i was already full coz we had to wait for someone who finally appeared at 3pm for lunch!!
Okok. I post something. Nice pictures! Hahahaha.. dunno what to write lah.
hahahaha KENA the AUSSIE BEER!! it's true when you drink aussie beer it's nothing compared to most countries. when you are in uk, plenty of beers for you to try. it'll be even better than ever i'm sure!! =) for now, think of how you will come to melbourne to be with me and mei fern!!
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