Monday, April 27, 2009

The 2009 London Marathon

Long time since the last blog update. Just too many photos from the US trip that i don't know where to start with, so i'll just skip it for a bit....come to think of it, i haven't done a proper Paris trip entry too......hrmm......should i do Paris first or US first??? So much decisions to make....arrgghhh!!

Anyways, i was sick for the last couple of days, and these couple of day were when events were happening in London. There was Singapore day at Hampton Court Palace yesterday, we were halfway there, when i felt unwell in the tube and had to turn back home. And when we got home, M&M called and said that they were giving away free asian/singaporean food!! AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!! Of all times to get sick!!

So today, was the London marathon, and since i already missed out on the 1st event, i'd better not lose the chance to experience the famous London in Run Fat Boy Run!!! I'm a sucker for movies!!!

Yeah, so we made it to town and goodness, you can't beleive the amount of people present there!!

part of the funky spectators

another nice spring day in London, i'm not going to miss it by being sick and at home!!

the london eye, best view i suppose

the runners

so many supporters coming out to support the runners, even those they don't know

i didn't know you can cross the path of a marathon

a young kid patiently awaiting his dad to pass by

tarzan & jane

see the determination in his eyes, there's London Pride (ale) at the finish line!!

baywatch babe....guy actually!!

guinness will rehydrate your thirst....

the cheerleaders!!!

borat....lucky he wore his shorts...

pretty boys

more pretty boys....this time in pink tutus

camel toe

here comes the man we were there to support

a hug to get him going a couple more miles

a thumbs up

and off goes M.Ing

stormtropper from behind to whoop all those who are thinking of giving up so close to the finish line

sunburnt M.Ing

it's the real thing, not a chocolate piece

celebration dinner

Marathon finisher

ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch

Another London experience. I wonder if you can get people dressing up like this for the KL marathon. I'm sure the cops will pull aside some of them for not wearing enough clothes....hahhah

Yeah, so will blog more soon-ish, Paris or US??? Paris like old news already, i suppose US also a bit old news-ish also....maybe by the time i finish posting up US i'd already be back in KL??

end May, end Sept or end Feb '10......only time will tell...

Monday, April 20, 2009

We're back!!!

in London.....

no internet connection in New York, we lived in Spanish Harlem, kinda ghetto but we're alive, so that's not too bad.

Been recuperating from all the traveling on planes, trains and automobiles over the US of A for the last month. Trying to sort out the thousands of photos that we took in all the cities we visited, so here's just one from NY, the Flatiron Building, it's pronounced Flat Iron Building, so get it right, aight!!

Fiona did write on the Austin trip, so head on over to the Austin post that she put up there, i didn't have my camera with me as i was too busy digging my way through all the not too healthy big portioned american food that we had too much off in Austin!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

still alive....

still alive in US....

internet connection is dependant on neighbours connection....which sucks!!

currently in Boston, feels pretty much like London, after all Boston is New pun sama...cold and wet!!

going to Foxwoods in a bit....uncle lim goh tong has a say in its creation too...

and then off to see lady liberty on Thursday!!!

p.s. No Krispy Kreme here at ALL!! Only got Dunkin Doughnuts.....better than KL's but not up to par with KK!!