So, the next morning, all the girls were to be at the bride's home, to prepare obstacles for the groom to make it just so much harder to get to the bride.....
there were balloons,
umbrellas, spinning around, falling into puddles of water, whiskey with milk from nipple showing bras,
wasabi toothpaste, trivia questions prepared by the bride for the groom (although some of the questions, the bride don't know the answer to???), tissues, tea and more tissues....
enjoy the pictures!!
ferrnnyy.....the cho-loh bride
bangun pagi, gosok gigi......dengan wasabiiii.....
ferrnnyy's girls all dressed in pink....suetnee, laifen, sandra, chuis
somemore pink girls
even more pink girls...
pink girls again....
there were pink girls EVERYWHERE!!....
what's so funny?? (in the joker's tone....)
ferrnnyy striking the blue steel look 
yummy mummy
jinmei...the saver, in more ways than one
leens, schooling the pink girls on what to do
the bride sibuk-ing outside
the bride and her PINK girls
the pink girls waiting for the blue jeans guys
the groom arrives in style
a mini butler awaits him, also anticipating an ang pow
the 2nd pink girls obstacle station on the 3rd floor
the bouquet
the groom with his blue jeans guys
nice ah....being hump-ed from behind.....take it all in justin!!
BABI bagus!!
the cheeky bride
her shoes....
her big ass engagement ring!!
the blushing bride
managed to strike a final pose before the groom sweeps her off her feet

waiting in anticipation.....
for the man of the day
here her comes....
give you flowers first....
then i kiss you....

the tea and tea pot
yum cha daddy....
mummy, yum cha...
yay, yay......i finally got him, no turning back now, Justin!! that what you thought.....I GOT YOU!!! No turning back now.....!!
feed you some.....make wife obedient potion..... hahhahah

the blue jeans white shirted heng tais!!
the pink girls with one sesat-ed blue jeans white shirted guy
didn't know girls were into voyuer-ing too....
so stylo with the flowers....Then it was off to Shah Alam to get changed into yet ANOTHER dress and drink more tea..
yum yum.......
get a room you two!!
bring out the ang pows yo!!

see little boy, see muffin
5 seconds later.....muffin is gone.....leaving a comot mouth
derek the videographer....very good videographer, if anyone needs a videographer, he's the one to get
mo mo tea....That's the end of part 2.......on to part 3 realllllll soon.......
these 'Jip sun leong' pics turned out extremely gorgeous. As steve was saying, the lighting at fern's place was really good for photo taking that day. just see how we all seem to look so fresh and radiant in the morning .... damn nice.
STEVE TAN... pls prepare, i will need to come over to download all the pics and videos off ya.
when we all meet. thanks!need to take my giant HD.
or u all wanna come my hse and eat again? akakakakak one last one for the road. SOB SOB!!!!!!!!!!!
talking about weddings, i have one this new year's eve at the mcg (melbourne cricket ground). i am of course closer to the groom than the bride but same la i guess. if i haven't told you guys yet, i have given up my house for the bucks party to be held. it's dec 13 and it's going to be the best bucks night ever in history.. it will be maddddd. i have organised the most important part of the night - 'entertainment'. got to tell you the juicy details offline. the girls/wives have absolutely no idea. so poor thing. hens is this weekend dec 6 and i haven't even heard the updated version of what is happening. hahaha.
shoot, gone off topic hehe i can't wait to see the dvd steve and aips have put together for my missing presence at jus and fern's wedding. will comment more when i see the whole picture of how the whole day went ;)
fern, you look absolutely beautiful. i am so happy everything went more than just great for you and jus and all your guests ;)
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