Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The REAL St Patrick's Day

17th March, St Patrick's Day but we were leaving London on the very same day. So being kiasu, we managed to find an Irish Pub in Heathrow airport. Mind you, our flight was at 9:20am, and we arrived at we had breakfast..... with Guinness and Beer!!!

Just because it's St Patrick's Day....(actually aips just wanted to get the Guinness Hat to add up to our collection of rubbish)

After that, we were off to the land of the free!!

some part just above Washington or Boston

Virgin Atlantic was quite good, fed us well. And got drinks too.

and got TV on each seat, the bad thing was that it was not on-demand and the movies we watched already......

So, we have safely and successfully gone through immigration (lucky they never deport us...heard too many horror stories about US immigrations!!) and are currently waiting for another flight to get us to San Francisco.

And the food here is DAMN ex!! At least USD$10 per person, die la, summore the exchange rate for USD to MYR is going up to nearly 3.8!!!

So till we see Golden Gate Bridge.....(why is it not called Red Gate Bridge since the bridge is red and not Gold???...stupid question, ignore it!!)

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