Just last weekend i was at a Kent event held at "orange"... i was thinking to myself, isn't that place already DEAD or something!!!.. anyways, i was wondering how come Kent would want to hold an event there.. so i went there with low expectation but to my surprise, the whole set up was FANTASTIC!!!
360was responsible in transforming the whole look and feel of the club... they are damn good!! konyun, jwan, hanwei & the rest of the team did a magnificient job.. the DJ console was the BOMB!! me likes!!!
happening DJ console
retro dance floor.....reminded me of saturday night fever
people grooving to the music
Twilight action girl was playing that night and they were awesome!!! never knew their music was sooo good... what to do, nowadays damn aunty already.. don't go clubbing anymore... those were the days when i partied till late and could still wake up for work the next day... now tak boleh already.. it will take me a couple of days to recover from one night of partying... shit, i'm getting OLD!!!
Twilight Action Girl in action
managed to sneak a peak from behind the DJ console
orange transformed....view of the outside
anyways, after 2 drinks (POTENT 42 below) or so, i decided to head home as i was looking forward to watch "True Blood".. i'm so freaking hooked to this show it's not funny.. but i'm still wondering how come ASTRO approved this series as every episode has a sex scene.. well, no point watching it on ASTRO as you'll probably be missing 40% of the show.. hahahaha..